How to Protect Your Data While Traveling

protect your data

In this day and age, we tend to own a lot of technological devices – cell phones, laptops, tablets, etc., and we tend to rely on them a lot. When we travel, many of us take our devices with us, but what we don’t often think about is how vulnerable they are to data breaches.

We’ve heard some horror stories from our EWR Airport parking customers, so in order to keep your devices safe while you travel, consider these tips:

Invest in memory sticks.

If you’re traveling for work and need access to information or presentations, put what you need on a memory stick (or several memory sticks) and leave your computer at home. By doing this, you’ll be keeping your information separate from your hard drive and safe from a breach.

Use passwords.

One of the simplest ways you can protect your information is by using passwords whenever possible. Make sure that your passwords are difficult to crack – include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers.

Install a V.P.N.

If you frequently travel to other countries, you may want to invest in your own virtual private network. It will not only protect your outgoing and incoming data, but it will also give you access to websites that may be blocked in certain countries (like Google, Facebook, etc.).

Keep them with you.

Keep your devices with you whenever you can instead of leaving them in your hotel room. This way, you’ll know exactly where they are at all times and can check them periodically to make sure no data breaches are in effect.

Use WPA wi-fi connections.

If you’re going to use your devices in public places, make sure you only connect to wi-fi networks that are encrypted with WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) algorithms. Avoid networks encrypted with WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) and networks that aren’t encrypted at all, as they’re easier to hack.


By personalizing your devices, you’ll reduce the risk of someone “accidentally” walking away with them. Decorate them with stickers, paint them, or find unique cases for them to set them apart from others.

Invest in anti-virus software.

Before you set off for your business trip or vacation, make sure your devices all have a strong anti-virus software installed on them. By traveling to another state or country, you leave yourself open to unfamiliar viruses and data breaches.