The 12 Worst Days to Travel

worst days to travel

If you’ve ever traveled during one of the times below, you know that it can mean jam-packed airports, through-the-roof airfares, and roads littered with cars. Trying to take a trip during the few days of the year when travel is the worst is enough to ruin any vacation. Here are the top 12 worst travel days of every year:

The Day Before Thanksgiving

Since everyone wants to be together on Thanksgiving, they’re likely to travel the day before to get to their families. Just last year, more than 46 million people traveled for Thanksgiving, and 37% (that’s over 17 million) chose the day before to do so.

4th of July

Since the 4th of July is a national holiday, many workers have off and can turn this day into a mini-vacation. Expect travel to be even worse if the 4th is on a weekend day, a Friday, or a Monday.

Fridays in Summer

With long, sunny days and warm temperatures, summer is the peak time of year for travel, and around two-thirds of Americans will plan long weekend trips to enjoy the season. This means that travel on Fridays will be a lot less enjoyable. Our EWR Airport parking experts recommend making your long weekend Saturday-Monday instead of Friday-Sunday.

The Sunday After Thanksgiving

Although many Americans have to work the Friday after Thanksgiving, the majority of them take off that day and spend the long weekend with family. This means that come Sunday, they’ll be heading back home to start the next work week.

January 2nd, 3rd

If you’re traveling around New Year’s, waiting just one or two extra days can make a big difference in your airfare. Many people head back home the day after New Year’s or two days after, but if you head home on the 1st or wait until after the 3rd, you’ll have a better chance at scooping a deal.

Labor Day

Labor Day is another favorite day to travel. Though it’s in September, the weather is still usually warm enough to head to the beach or to turn the weekend into a long weekend vacation.

December 21st, 22nd, 23rd

At our EWR Airport parking company, we recommend traveling as many days before Christmas as you can. As soon as the 21st hits, airfare prices will soar and there will be more and more people on the road. Shoot for as early as the 18th or 19th to visit your family.

Spring Break

Though spring break can be as early as the end of February and as late as the middle of April, it usually falls in mid-March. Every year, millions of college students flock to warm destinations like Miami, Jamaica, South Padre Island, Daytona, Cancun, and more, so avoid popular destinations like these. If you’re planning on taking a ski trip, however, you probably won’t have to worry as much.

Easter Weekend

Many people don’t think of Easter weekend as a busy travel time, but the holiday is important to many Americans and is a great time to spend with family. Look for an influx of travelers the Friday and Saturday before Easter.