9 Haunted Houses That You Can Rent

Halloween is fast approaching and if you're a fan of haunted houses, why not take your next vacation in a house that is actually haunted? Our EWR...

6 Reasons Taking a Vacation Boosts Your Productivity

Each year, nearly half of working Americans who are eligible for vacation don't actually take it, and while this extra time is usually spent getting...

The Best Budget Airlines Around the World

While big-name airlines are great, some travelers overlook the benefits of budget airlines. There are many of these airlines around the world and...

The Older Generation’s Effect on How Young People Wil

The wide world of travel is always changing, and there are plenty of factors to affect it. Recently, our Newark Airport parking company came across a...

The Best Airports in the U.S., Part 2

At our EWR Airport parking company, we put several different ones together to create our own list of best airports, based on delayed/canceled...

The Best Airports in the U.S., Part 1

We're always trying to figure out what the best and worst airports are to visit, and there have been a number of organizations and companies that...

The Top Spring Break Destinations of 2016

Every year, millions of people enjoy spring break by jet-setting off to an escape somewhere (and usually, it has a beach). This year, Thrillist...

Favorite Travel Quotes from Our Newark Airport Parking Memb

At our Newark Airport parking company, we love to travel and we love hearing the stories of fellow travelers. Below is a list of favorite travel...

EWR Airport Parking Members Share; The Best College Footbal...

If you're a college football fan, chances are you look forward to some of the best rival games of the season. This year, why not take a trip to see...